Quinoa Vs Rice: Which Is Healthier

There has long been a debate about quinoa vs rice, and while they have some similarities, there are also many important differences to note.

Quinoa Vs Rice

There are numerous key aspects of quinoa and rice that differentiate them in our diet and cooking. Quinoa and brown rice are both whole grains, whereas white rice is far more different, nutritionally speaking. This article will primarily reference the difference between quinoa and brown rice.


Let’s take a look at how the two grains stack up against each other in terms of nutritional values.

  • Carbs and Calories: When it comes to calories and total carbohydrate levels, these two varieties of whole grains are surprisingly similar. Quinoa and brown rice both have approximately 110 calories in a 1/2 cup, and they offer 20 grams and 22 grams of carbohydrates.
  • Protein and Dietary Fiber: Quinoa is superior to brown rice in both its [4protein and dietary fiber content, boasting 4 grams of protein and 2.5 grams of fiber per serving, which is 20-30% higher than those nutrients in brown rice.
  • Iron and Magnesium: Quinoa is also a better option when it comes to iron and magnesium, although brown rice has a wider variety [1] of minerals and higher levels of selenium and manganese.
  • Vitamins: When it comes to vitamins, the most notable are B-vitamins, of which these two grains have similar levels.


In terms of taste, quinoa and brown rice both have a slightly chewy flavor. Although there is a slight difference as discussed below.

  • Quinoa is more neutral, making it easier to add to meals without changing the flavor.
  • Brown rice has a forward, nutty flavor that is hard to miss in some recipes.

Health Benefits

Both of these whole grains are good sources of minerals, dietary fiber, and proteins, but they are relatively low in calories.

  • Quinoa and brown rice help control diabetes and improve digestive efficiency, particularly because they are both [2]gluten-free.
  • Quinoa is a complete protein, whereas brown rice is not, but both can contribute to growth and development.
  • Both grains can help prevent weight gain, among others.
  • Both of these have a lower glycemic index [3] than white rice, making them valuable for those at risk of diabetes.


  • The uses of quinoa and brown rice are quite similar, and they are two of the most common substitutes for white rice in a dish when someone wants to improve the overall nutritional value of their meal.

Substituting Quinoa For Rice

You can easily substitute quinoa for brown rice, as well as basmati rice and other whole grains, and while the flavor may differ slightly, the impact on recipes is minimal.

Organic Rice, Grains & Beans is available to purchase at SFMart.com

This article is originally posted on Organic Facts

18 Incredible Wheat Benefits

The powerful health benefits of wheat include its ability to control obesity, boost energy, inhibit type 2 diabetes, improve metabolism, and prevent asthma and gallstones. It also reduces the risk of breast cancer, protects against heart diseases, and boosts digestion.

What Is Wheat?

Wheat is the most common cereal grain, which comes from a type of grass (Triticum). The whole grain kernel of wheat, composed of bran (outer layer), wheat germ, and endosperm (innermost part), is an immense energy source. Wheat originated in Southwestern Asia, but today it is one of the [1] top cereal crops grown in several countries for human consumption. Commonly, wheat cultivation is done at higher latitudes. It is primarily used for baking products such as bread, bagels, cakes, and muffins


Unrefined wheat contains complex carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and a moderate amount of proteins. It is rich in catalytic elements, mineral saltscalciummagnesiumpotassium, sulfur, chlorine, arsenic, siliconmanganesezinciodinecoppervitamin B, and vitamin E. It is abundant in [2] antioxidants, especially in carotenoids such as beta-carotene.

Wheat germ, which is the heart of the kernel, is particularly rich in vitamin E. It is known to be the main source of the vitamin B complex in dietary structures throughout the world and includes vitamins like thiamin, folic acidvitamin B6, and minerals like manganese, magnesium, and zinc. Wheat germ oil improves strength and increases lifespan.

Wheat bran, the outer layer [3] of the kernel, is rich in phytochemicals and antioxidants called lignans, ferulic acid, phytic acid, alkylresorcinols, lutein, flavonoids, and saponins.

Health Benefits

Let us look at the most popular health benefits of wheat in detail:

Controls Obesity

Wheat, a whole grain, has a natural ability to control weight, but this ability is more pronounced [4] among women. Women who consumed whole grain products over long periods showed considerably more weight lossthan others. Also, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has shown through research that whole wheat, rather than its refined form, is a good choice for obese patients.

Increases Energy

Whole wheat with its vitamin B content helps provide the body with energy. Moreover, the whole grain contains complex carbohydrates, which keeps you feeling full longer and gives you energy over a longer period of time.


Prevents Metabolic Disorders

Whole grains like wheat are immensely effective in patients with metabolic disorders. Common types of metabolic syndromes [6] include visceral obesity, also known as the “pear-shaped” body, high triglycerides, low levels of protective HDL cholesterol, and a high blood pressure. Intake of whole grain products protects against these conditions.

Also, research showed [7] that a higher intake of whole grains (about three servings per day) was associated with lower BMI and central adiposity.

Prevents Type 2 Diabetes

Wheat is rich in magnesium that acts as a co-factor for more than 300 enzymes. These enzymes are involved in the body’s functional use of insulin and glucose secretion. Moreover, regular consumption of [8]whole grains promotes healthy blood sugar control. People who suffer from diabetes are able to keep their sugar levels under control by replacing rice with wheat in their diet.

Reduces Chronic Inflammation

The betaine content of [9] wheat prevents chronic inflammation, a key constituent in rheumatic pains and diseases. Its anti-inflammatory property reduces the risk of other ailments like osteoporosis, heart diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, cognitive decline, and type-2 diabetes.

Prevents Gallstones

Since whole wheat is rich in insoluble fiber, it assures a quick and smooth intestinal transit time and lowers the secretion of bile acids. Excessive bile acids are a major cause of gallstone formation. In various surveys by the American Journal of Gastroenterology, it has been proven that whole grain bread and cereals help prevent gallstones.

Improves Metabolism

The fiber in whole wheat products boosts the digestive process in the body and improve the overall metabolism. Doctors recommend eating whole grain bread and other fiber-rich foods. Research has shown [11] that foods made from refined grains not only tend to increase weight but also increase the hazards of insulin resistance.

High in Fiber

When you maintain a fiber-rich diet comprising wheat bread and cereals that are [12] high in bran, you can be confident that problems such as flatulence, nausea, constipation, and distension will be alleviated in no time. This grain is the most popular and easily available bulk laxative.

Also, diverticulitis often occurs due to inflammation and lower intestinal aches. This can also lead to chronic constipation and unnecessary straining, which can result in a sac or a pouch in the wall of the colon. Such cases can be easily dealt with naturally by keeping up with a fiber-rich diet and including whole grains on a regular basis.

Prevents Breast Cancer

Wheat acts as an anti-carcinogenic agent, particularly in women. Studies say that around 30 grams consumed daily are enough for women to reduce the risks [13] of breast cancer. Reports prove that pre-menopausal women who consumed it had a 41% reduced risk of breast cancer in comparison to others who ate other forms of fiber. Furthermore, research at the UK Women’s Cohort Study [14] found that a fiber-rich diet, with whole grains and fruits, is extremely important for women to keep breast cancer at bay.

Promotes Women’s Health

Whole wheat increases energy levels and vitality in women. The long-term Women’s Health Initiative Observational Study showed that the [15] increased consumption of whole grain boosted their energy levels and prevented weight gain, type 2 diabetes, and kept their BMI levels low. The study also showed that women who ate more whole grains were likely to have a healthier diet and a higher intake of fruits and vegetables. Stone-ground whole grain products contain folate and vitamin B, which helps reduce pregnancy and breastfeeding problems.

Prevents Colon Cancer

Wheat bran considerably reduces [16] bile acid secretion and bacterial enzymes in the stool, thereby cutting down chances of colon cancer. Furthermore, the grain contains lignans [17], which are phytonutrients that act like hormones. The lignans often occupy the hormone receptors in our body, thereby alleviating certain risk factors for cancer.

Prevents Childhood Asthma

The International Study on Allergy and Asthma in Childhood proved through numerous studies that a wheat-based diet has the capacity to lower chances of developing asthma by almost 50%. Also, bronchial hyperresponsiveness is the key factor that encourages asthma. This condition is characterized by the narrowing of the airways and increased sensitivity. In many surveys, it has been seen that children who eat whole grains and fish in high amounts do not suffer from such ailments, as these foods have a high amount of magnesium and vitamin E.

Note: However, in some cases, wheat consumption may be harmful to asthma patients, since it also happens to be a food allergen closely linked to asthma. Consult a doctor who can give you a complete examination and diagnosis of possible allergies you may have.

Relieves Postmenopausal Symptoms

Higher intake of unrefined wheat products can help increase the fiber and protein content in the diets in postmenopausal women. This helps in weight management, hormone balance, and relieves postmenopausal symptoms. The lignans content can help prevent postmenopausal cancer.

Liver Detox

Sprouted wheat berries are excellent sources of [18] antioxidants and high fiber, which helps detoxify the liver. The liver is one of the largest internal organs in the body, and keeping the liver healthy helps remove toxins regularly from the body.

Prevents Heart Attacks

Whole wheat is rich in plant lignans [19] called enterolactone, which protects against heart diseases. A Danish journal published a study that showed that women eating whole grains had considerably higher blood levels of this defensive lignan. Furthermore, whole grain wheat products, which are high in dietary fiber, considerably reduce blood pressure levels and lessen the possibility of a heart attack. A high intake of this grain lowers triglycerides or fat in the blood. This slows down the progression of atherosclerosis and stroke.

A recent study published in the [20] British Medical Journal also concluded that people who do not have gluten sensitivity should not avoid such products. Following a gluten-free diet, as a fad could lower the overall consumption of whole grains, which leads to an increased risk of heart disease.

Improves Gut Health

Wheat bran has a prebiotic effect on the human gut microbiota due to its high level of fiber. It helps feed the ‘good’ bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, which improves digestion and increase nutrient uptake in the body. Also, bulgur, a form of this grain, is a great source of resistant starch. It does not get digested in the small intestine, and thus becomes food for gut flora.

Skin Health

Selenium, vitamin E, and zinc in wheat help nourish the skin, fight acne, prevent sun damage, and help prevent skin cancer. Also, the high fiber content keeps the digestive system at its optimal best, which helps remove toxins regularly. This, in turn, helps keep the skin smooth and youthful.

Hair Care

Zinc in wheat helps promote healthy hair and protects the hair from damages caused by environmental factors.

Eye Health

Vitamin E, niacin, and zinc in whole wheat lower the risk of macular and cataract degeneration. Lutein in the unrefined grain helps improve [21eye health.

Prevents Alzheimer’s

Iron, folate, vitamins B and E, in wheat support serotonin production and increase energy levels. This helps prevent mental diseases such as Alzheimer’s, alleviate depression, enhance mood and increase overall wellness.


Types Of Wheat

The grain is commonly consumed in two forms:

  • Whole wheat: If you buy 100% whole wheat products, you are assured of all the nutrients of the bran and the germ, as well as the endosperm.
  • Processed wheat: Bleached white flour is obtained by processing after 60% extraction from the grain. Usually, the 40% that is removed – the outer brown layer – contains the highly nutritious bran and the germ of the wheat grain. In the process of making 60% abstraction flour, more than half of the vitamins B1, B2, B3, and E, calcium, phosphorus, folic acid, copper, zinc, iron, and fiber are lost.

The different kinds of processed flour include:

  • All-purpose flour
  • Bread flour
  • Cake flour
  • Self-rising flour
  • Durum flour


  • Bread, muffins, breakfast cereal like wheat flakes
  • Sprouted wheat berries: These can be used in vegetables and various kinds of grain salads.
  • Wheat germ: Add it to bread, pastries, cakes, or onto yogurt for an extra nutrient punch.
  • Pizza & pasta
  • Wraps & rotis

Organic Grains & Beans is available to purchase at SFMart.com

This article is originally posted on Organic Facts

11 Amazing Benefits Of Amino Acid Supplements

Amino acid supplements are quite common, as they can have a wide range of effects on human health. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, so your body requires amino acid intake every day, as the body doesn’t tend to store extra amino acids that you consume.

Amino acids are broken into two categories – essential and non-essential amino acids. Essential amino acids are those compounds that the body cannot produce by itself, meaning that you can only access them from food sources or supplements. Non-essential amino acids can be produced by the body, primarily in the liver, although they are also found in certain food sources.

If you lack any of the 10 essential amino acids, it will be difficult for your body to achieve normal protein synthesis, which can have a number of adverse effects on your body. On the other hand, those people who use amino acid supplements can enjoy a wide range [1] of health benefits.

Benefits Of Amino Acid Supplements

The most important benefits of amino acid supplements include eliminating fatigue, increasing fat loss, boosting cognitive function, lowering inflammation, speeding up muscle growth, extending endurance, and supporting repair processes.

Prevent Inflammation

Most of the anti-inflammatory properties of amino acid supplements come from BCAAs – leucine, isoleucine, and valine. These can help reduce [3] inflammation in muscles and joints, which allows longer and more productive workouts, but it can be helpful for non-athletes as well. Ensuring that you have enough BCAAs will help prevent the inflammation associated with arthritisdiabetes, liver conditions, and other common conditions.

Reduce Fat

Research has closely linked amino acid supplementation not only with fat loss but a reduction [4] in abdominal fat deposition and storage. Abdominal fat forms around vital organs and other parts of the body, increasing inflammation and reducing function, so the fact that amino acid supplements can reduce this specific type of fat is very important in your fight against chronic diseases.

Prevent Muscle Damage

When you work out, it does cause damage to your muscles, but this is usually repaired during your recovery period, leading to muscle growth. However, during intense physical activity, your muscle fibers may actually get broken down [5] and used for fuel/energy, which is not a good thing. Amino acid supplements, particularly BCAAs, can help prevent this damage to your muscles by providing the resources for healthy protein synthesis.

Improve Cognitive Abilities

Although tryptophan is an important amino acid, it is a precursor to serotonin in the body, a feel-good neurotransmitter that can slow down your mental quickness [7]. By using amino acid supplements, you can ensure that there are enough BCAAs in your system, which will prevent your body from producing extra tryptophan. If you feel mentally foggy in the afternoons, you may be suffering from a rush of tryptophan and the resultant sense of mental relaxation.

Reduce Fatigue

As you perform physical activities or simply go about your day, you expend energy, which your body needs to replenish. When our body depletes our [6] glycogen stores, it becomes exhausted, leading to that craving for an afternoon nap. However, research has shown that a boost in BCAAs and other amino acids throughout the day helps your body store glycogen more effectively and use it at a slower rate, meaning that you have more endurance for your day, whether you are exercising or not!

Improve Muscle Growth

Perhaps most importantly for people who regularly use amino acid supplements is their effect on muscle growth. Leucine and the other two BCAAs are closely connected with stimulating [8] protein synthesis following a workout, as your muscles will have an ample supply of new resources to boost muscle growth. Interestingly enough, studies show that amino acid supplements can even improve muscle growth in areas of the body that aren’t being worked out!

Speed up Healing

As you likely know, proteins are critical compounds in every area of our body and lead to the growth and development of muscle, tissue, cells, hair, and nails. Protein is also essential [9] for repair and recovery. Therefore, following an injury, illness, surgery or intense workout, a boost from amino acid supplements is extremely valuable, as it can speed up protein synthesis, and, therefore, the rate of healing in the body.

Top Amino Acids

As mentioned above, there are two main types of amino acids, essential and non-essential. To ensure that you are getting these in your diet every day, it is important to know which amino acids you are likely to get from your diet or supplement plan, and which you can simply let your body produce.

Non-essential Amino Acids

  • Glutamic acid
  • Alanine
  • Glutamine
  • Arginine
  • Asparagine
  • Glycine
  • Tyrosine
  • Aspartic acid
  • Cysteine
  • Proline
  • Serine

Essential Amino Acids

  • Tryptophan
  • Threonine
  • Methionine
  • Phenylalanine
  • Histidine
  • Lysine
  • Isoleucine
  • Leucine
  • Valine

Those final three essential amino acids are known [2] as branched-chain amino acids (BCAA), which are specifically critical for muscle growth, fat burning, and improved performance. In terms of muscle growth, BCAAs make up 35% of those necessary proteins. As a result, many people seek out pure BCAA supplements, as in other amino acid supplements or dietary sources, the amount of those BCAAs is inherently limited. For people who want to use amino acid supplements as a general improvement for health, traditional amino acid supplements are more than adequate.

Organic Grains & Beans is available to purchase at SFMart.com

This article is originally posted on Organic Facts

11 Best Smoothie Ingredients To Boost Your Health

The right superfood smoothie ingredients can energize your life and keep you healthy.

smoothie ingredients

A smoothie can be your best friend or worst enemy, depending on what you put in the blender.

Mixtures whipped with sweeteners, sweet-flavored yogurt, or even excessive amounts of fruit could have a sugar content close to that of a bowl of ice cream. That too-sweet situation could cause disease-causing inflammation in the body and depress your immune system—not exactly healthy. (For healthy smoothie recipes, see the only 4 smoothie recipes you’ll ever need.)

(Slash your cholesterol, burn stubborn belly fat, solve your insomnia, and more—naturally—with Rodale’s Eat For Extraordinary Health & Healing.)

On the flip-side, the right smoothie can turn ingredients that might not be the tastiest yet are still highly nutritious into a delicious blend bursting with antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. Plus, they’re perfect for on-the-go lifestyles.

“Smoothies are a fast, portable, and delicious way to get a diversity of nutrients into your body,” explains Navitas Naturals Chef Julie Morris, author of Superfood Smoothies: 100 Delicious, Energizing & Nutrient-dense RecipesSo, in the spirit of true superfood smoothies, we call out 11 smoothie add-ins to have on standby as smoothie ingredients.

chia seeds
Chia seeds

Perfect for thickening up a smoothie, these tiny energy-promoting seeds thicken and turn into a gel. Chia is a robust source of protein and is rich in trace minerals. The seeds also contain more than three times the concentration of essential fatty acids in most grains.

Winning combo: “It’s a very neutral flavor, so it pairs well with virtually any food,” Morris says. “It’s one of the most versatile superfoods on the planet—literally, put it in anything.”

goji berries
Goji berries

A bit bitter on their own, they’re a great smoothie ingredient, and a popular acai bowl addition because other flavors can mask the bitterness. One of the world’s richest sources of antioxidants, goji berries contain 18 amino acids. Traditional cultures cherish the berry for its immune-boosting and vision-protecting properties. It also helps keep your liver and kidneys healthy.

Winning combo: Organic goji berries or goji powder, pure coconut water, and lime.


Don’t like cooked kale on the dinner table? Enjoy the green powerhouse raw in a smoothie instead. Dubbed one of the world’s healthiest veggies, kale contains isothiocyanate and glucosinolate compounds that help lower your risk of cancer.

Winning combo: Kale, apple, banana.

Try this: Fresh, organic kale from your local farmer’s market

camu camu
Camu camu

An antioxidant-rich tropical fruit you can buy in powder form, camu-camu boasts a vitamin C concentration up to 60 times greater than an orange. It’s also rich in potassium, calcium, protein, and other phytochemicals. “Just a quarter teaspoon gives you over 250 percent of the Recommended Daily Allowance of vitamin C, and you’ll never taste its strong tartness,” Morris says. “Camu is a ‘why not?’ functional ingredient.”

Winning combo: Camu and tropical fruits or vanilla

cacao powder
Cacao powder

Great in creamier smoothies, cacao is the raw form of chocolate and is one of the world’s richest sources of antioxidants and magnesium, explains Morris. Cacao also contains iron and potassium.

Winning combo: Cacao, almond butter, banana or added to berry smoothies.

maca powder
Maca powder

Boasting a strong, earthy, slightly butterscotch flavor, maca is rich in mood-boosting B vitamins, amino acids, and brain-boosting fatty acids. The root has long been used in traditional medicine to raise libido and combat fatigue, Morris explains.

Winning combo: Cacao, nuts, creamy ingredients; avoiding using with fruits (pineapple, dates, and bananas are an exception)

wheatgrass powder

Wheatgrass is loaded with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fiber, antioxidants, and even a bit of beneficial fatty acids. It will help boost your energy and immune function while detoxifying your body. It helps alkalinize your body to balance out high acid culprits like coffee and meat.

Winning combo: Wheatgrass and spinach, or with fruits like strawberries, pineapple, and banana.

Try this: Use organic wheat grass powder for convenience or grow your own from organic seeds.

coconut oil

Coconut oil

Coconut oil contains lots of lauric acid, a potent immune system protector, and the same compound found in breast milk.

Related: You Should Stop Freaking Out About Coconut Oil Being “Unhealthy” And Read This

Winning combo: Coconut oil, bananas, almond milk, strawberries, honey.


Avocados are rich in vitamin E, a nutrient that could help protect your brain from Alzheimer’s disease. They even contain plant-based proteins.

Winning combo: Avocados and cucumbers

Try this: Try pairing with blueberries, banana, and almond milk (here’s how to make your own almond milk) if cucumbers aren’t your thing.

whey protein
Grass-fed whey

Whey protein contains the amino acid cysteine that helps convert glutathione in the body. Glutathione is a potent antioxidant that prepares cells for battle against bacterial or viral infections. (Note: Since this comes from a cow, it may not be suitable for vegans.)

Winning combo: Organic whey, banana, Greek yogurt, peanut butter, cacao.

hemp powder
Hemp protein powder

Hemp contains all of the amino acids to form complete protein, making it a go-to protein source for vegans and vegetarians. Not getting enough protein can make you tired, cranky, and even cause skin rashes and changes in skin color. (Here’s more on the many benefits of hemp.)

Winning combo: Hemp protein powder, almond milk, peanut butter, banana

Organic Grains & Beans is available to purchase at SFMart.com

This article is originally posted on Rodale’s Organic Life

6 Healthiest Beans You Can Eat


Are beans healthy? You bet—and they’re not just for chili and schoolyard bathroom humor anymore, either. They’ve been elevated to powerfood status. Beans can be the superstrength behind any diet because the high fiber and protein help keep away hunger. Plus, if you swap out a meat dish with a protein dish a couple of times a week, you’ll help knock out some saturated fat. So that makes beans great diet foods, but what makes them powerfoods? Turns out, these protein-packed wonders have some secret superpowers. Here’s your field guide to the major benefits packed in six different kinds of beans.

navy beans
Navy Beans: The Heart Helper

“Beans, beans they’re good for your heart.” When they came up with this song, they must have been thinking of navy beans. Navy beans have the most cholesterol-clobbering fiber of any bean at 10.5 grams per 100-gram serving, plus tons of potassium. In fact, a study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that a high-potassium diet helped people lower their blood pressure more than just limiting salt. (We recommend tuna from Wild Planet or Vital Choice).

garbanzo beans
Garbanzo Beans: The Diabetes Destroyer

If sugar is your villain, let garbanzo beans come to your rescue. Also known as chickpeas, garbanzos are high in fiber, which helps stabilize blood sugar, lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes. Garbanzos can be eaten whole and added to salads and soups. Mash them and you have the main ingredient in hummus. Hummus comes in a variety of great flavors and can be eaten spread on crackers or used on sandwiches as a healthy swap for mayo. Always look for a hummus that uses olive oil—or better yet, make homemade hummus.

Lentils: The Cancer Crusher

In the battle against cancer, lentils are the champions. Women who eat lentils frequently have a lower risk of developing breast cancer, says a study in the International Journal of Cancer. Other studies show that lentils may protect against prostate and colorectal cancers as well. Start your day off right with this egg with braised lentils and greens dish.

red kidney beans
Red Kidney Beans: The Anti-Aging Agent

Kidney beans and chili go together like Superman and red capes. But this chili staple also contains more antioxidants and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids than any of its bean brethren. Importantly, omega-3s have been linked to better cognitive outcomes in older adults. Plus, kidney beans are highest in thiamine, a nutrient that may be protective against Alzheimer’s disease. If you use canned beans instead of cooking your own, we recommend using a brand like Eden Foods that doesn’t use cans with BPA in the lining.

black beans
Black Beans: The Brain Booster

Every team of heroes has the supergenius behind the scenes, and in this bean team, that would be the black bean. Great in everything from burritos to soup, black beans are full of anthocyanins, compounds that have been shown to improve brain function. We recommend The Healthiest Burger Recipe Ever (+ A Delicious Side).

Soybeans: The Muscle Builder

Technically a legume, soybeans are one of the only common plant foods that contain complete protein—meaning all nine essential amino acids. This makes them terrific muscle-building meat substitutes for vegetarians and meat-eaters alike. From edamame to tofu, there are tons of easy ways to enjoy soy. Just be sure to eat soy in moderation and to always look for organic—otherwise, you could be eating genetically engineered soy, a food that’s never been tested for its long-term impact on human health. Try Curried Tofu with Asian Slaw for a meal boasting 19.4 grams of protein.

Organic Beans is available to purchase at SFMart.com

This article is originally posted on Rodale’s Organic Life