6 Healthiest Beans You Can Eat


Are beans healthy? You bet—and they’re not just for chili and schoolyard bathroom humor anymore, either. They’ve been elevated to powerfood status. Beans can be the superstrength behind any diet because the high fiber and protein help keep away hunger. Plus, if you swap out a meat dish with a protein dish a couple of times a week, you’ll help knock out some saturated fat. So that makes beans great diet foods, but what makes them powerfoods? Turns out, these protein-packed wonders have some secret superpowers. Here’s your field guide to the major benefits packed in six different kinds of beans.

navy beans
Navy Beans: The Heart Helper

“Beans, beans they’re good for your heart.” When they came up with this song, they must have been thinking of navy beans. Navy beans have the most cholesterol-clobbering fiber of any bean at 10.5 grams per 100-gram serving, plus tons of potassium. In fact, a study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that a high-potassium diet helped people lower their blood pressure more than just limiting salt. (We recommend tuna from Wild Planet or Vital Choice).

garbanzo beans
Garbanzo Beans: The Diabetes Destroyer

If sugar is your villain, let garbanzo beans come to your rescue. Also known as chickpeas, garbanzos are high in fiber, which helps stabilize blood sugar, lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes. Garbanzos can be eaten whole and added to salads and soups. Mash them and you have the main ingredient in hummus. Hummus comes in a variety of great flavors and can be eaten spread on crackers or used on sandwiches as a healthy swap for mayo. Always look for a hummus that uses olive oil—or better yet, make homemade hummus.

Lentils: The Cancer Crusher

In the battle against cancer, lentils are the champions. Women who eat lentils frequently have a lower risk of developing breast cancer, says a study in the International Journal of Cancer. Other studies show that lentils may protect against prostate and colorectal cancers as well. Start your day off right with this egg with braised lentils and greens dish.

red kidney beans
Red Kidney Beans: The Anti-Aging Agent

Kidney beans and chili go together like Superman and red capes. But this chili staple also contains more antioxidants and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids than any of its bean brethren. Importantly, omega-3s have been linked to better cognitive outcomes in older adults. Plus, kidney beans are highest in thiamine, a nutrient that may be protective against Alzheimer’s disease. If you use canned beans instead of cooking your own, we recommend using a brand like Eden Foods that doesn’t use cans with BPA in the lining.

black beans
Black Beans: The Brain Booster

Every team of heroes has the supergenius behind the scenes, and in this bean team, that would be the black bean. Great in everything from burritos to soup, black beans are full of anthocyanins, compounds that have been shown to improve brain function. We recommend The Healthiest Burger Recipe Ever (+ A Delicious Side).

Soybeans: The Muscle Builder

Technically a legume, soybeans are one of the only common plant foods that contain complete protein—meaning all nine essential amino acids. This makes them terrific muscle-building meat substitutes for vegetarians and meat-eaters alike. From edamame to tofu, there are tons of easy ways to enjoy soy. Just be sure to eat soy in moderation and to always look for organic—otherwise, you could be eating genetically engineered soy, a food that’s never been tested for its long-term impact on human health. Try Curried Tofu with Asian Slaw for a meal boasting 19.4 grams of protein.

Organic Beans is available to purchase at SFMart.com

This article is originally posted on Rodale’s Organic Life

7 Wonderful Lima Beans Benefits

Lima beans are delicious and versatile legume that have a number of important health benefits, including its ability to improve digestion, boost heart health, positively impact energy levels, aid circulation, stimulate growth and repair, defend against chronic illness, and protect against diabetes.

What Are Lima Beans?

Lima beans are some of the most common and beloved legumes on the planet, and while you might know them as butter beans or sieva beans, depending on where you are in the world, they are equally important in terms of your diet, as well as your overall health. The larger varieties of these beans are typically lima beans, while smaller-seeded varieties are sieva beans, but they are actually the same species. These important beans are believed to have been cultivated in South America as long as 4,000 years ago, and then at other times throughout history in North and Central America. This has resulted in these beans being a staple crop for indigenous people, and a relatively easy crop to cultivate, even in harsh conditions. The beans are actually the seeds of this plant, but their large size and dense nutrient profile make them an excellent sustenance crop.

Lima beans can be grown both on bushes or on a vine and can be used as the main protein source, a side dish, and an ingredient in soups, stews, curries, and salads. The wide popularity of beans has made lima beans a globally accessible foodstuff, and when canned, lima beans tend to retain their complete nutrient profile, unlike other vegetables and fruits that undergo a canning process. Lima beans are important sources of dietary fiber, protein, minerals and antioxidant compounds, all of which make them a great addition to your diet. Now, let’s take a closer look at the many health benefits of lima beans.

Health Benefits Of Lima Beans

Lima beans have many health benefits that include:

Heart Health

Lima beans can have a positive impact on human health in a number of ways. Not only are lima beans rich in dietary fiber, which can help scrape cholesterol and eliminate it from the body, but they’re also a good source of magnesiumand folate. Having enough magnesium in the body helps to regulate blood pressure, in a similar way to potassium, by relaxing the blood vessels and reducing strain on the heart, thus preventing strokes and heart attacks. Folate is also associated with lower homocysteine levels, which is good because elevated homocysteine is a telling factor behind coronary heart disease.

Lima beanIncreased Energy Levels

Due to the impressive protein content in lima beans, if you already get enough protein in your diet, the body will store this protein as volatile and easily accessible energy. Lima beans can provide a clean, healthy boost to your cognition and focus as well. The manganese levels in lima beans also help to optimize the energy production process in the body. Finally, the iron content boosts red blood cell circulation, improving oxygenation and increasing energy.

Diabetes Prevention

Lima beans are an excellent way to get your dietary fiber, which is needed by the body for a number of different reasons. In terms of managing diabetes, fiber helps to regulate the uptake of nutrients by the body, and it optimizesblood sugar levels. With a healthy and stable insulin/glucose balance, you are far less likely to experience the dips and peaks in blood sugar, thus preventing the development of diabetes, or managing the symptoms once diagnosed.

Antioxidant Properties

Manganese is a key enzyme cofactor for a number of important substances in the body, namely antioxidant compounds that will seek out free radicals in the body and minimize oxidative stress. Therefore, the high manganese concentration in lima beans makes these legumes a good aid to the immune system and could help to prevent things like cancer, macular degeneration, and many other conditions.

Improved Digestion

Dietary fiber is most well known for its impact on digestion and the gastrointestinal tracts. Dietary fiber helps to bulk up the stool, thus preventing diarrhea, and also stimulating peristaltic motion to move food through the colon. Fiber can also help the gut optimize the nutrient uptake, making sure that we get as much out of our food as possible. Lima beans are incredible sources of fiber – a single cup serves more than 50% of your recommended daily fiber intake – and they can do great things for your digestive health.

The high content of iron found in lima beans makes them very good for the circulatory system. Iron is a necessary component for the production of red blood cells, which can thus increase circulation. When more oxygenated blood gets to the extremities, it can speed healing and repair following an illness or injury, and can also boost energy levels and vitality. Anemia is another name for iron deficiency, and avoiding the weakness, nausea, fatigue, and headachesof that condition is also a good choice by keeping lima beans in your diet.

Growth and Repair

Lima beans contain a significant amount of protein, roughly 1/3 of our daily recommended amount in a single cup, which is important for every single process of the body. Proteins are literally the building blocks of our body, and we require them for everything from cell and tissue development to cognition, bone strength, and energy. If you want to ensure normal growth and development, or are recovering from an injury or illness, boosting your protein levels with lima beans is an effective and vegetarian-friendly option!

Organic Beans is available to purchase at SFMart.com

This article is originally posted on Organic Facts

15 Impressive Benefits Of Brown Rice

Health benefits of brown rice include better functioning of the cardiovascular system, digestive system, brain, and nervous system. It is loaded with powerful antioxidants which provide relief from a range of ailments such as hypertension, unhealthy levels of LDL cholesterol, stress, mental depression, and skin disorders. High nutritional content in brown rice proves effective in various medical conditions such as cancer, obesity, diabetes, neurodegenerative disorders, and insomnia. It has anti-depressant properties and helps to maintain healthy bones and a strong immune system.

What Is Brown Rice?

Brown rice is an unrefined and unpolished whole grain which is produced by removing the surrounding hull of the rice kernel. Its grain retains its nutrient-dense bran and germ layer. It is chewier as compared to white rice and has a nutty flavor.

Germinated Brown Rice

Germinated brown rice, also known as ‘sprouted brown rice’, is another popular form of brown rice attributing to its high nutritional value. The high nourishing content of the germinated brown rice is due to the presence of gama-aminobutyric acid (GABA). The germinated form can be obtained by soaking and sprouting of the brown rice in water for a specified number of hours. This method has been considered best for obtaining the maximum amount of GABA and elevating the levels of proteins and good enzymes in the germinated brown rice. The process of germination also leads to significant increase in essential components such as ferulic acid, lysine, magnesiumpotassiumvitamin Eniacinvitamin B 6, thiamine, and dietary fiber in the brown rice. These nutrients aid in better absorption during digestion and prevent intestinal irritations, inflammations, and allergies. It can be stored in dried form to increase its shelf life without affecting its advanced nutritional worth.

Why Eat Brown Rice?

Most of us are aware of the fact that brown rice is better than white rice. The reason that makes it stand out is the quality and quantity of nutrients it offers. The process of milling that converts brown rice into white rice strips away most of its nutritional value. Brown rice thus retains its immense treasure of healthful constituents. There are many varieties of brown rice available in the market with their unique flavor, aromatic components, and varied concentration of fatty acids.

brown rice

Brown Rice Nutrition Facts

Brown rice is a natural wholesome food rich in essential minerals such as manganeseironzinc, phosphorous, calciumselenium, magnesium, and potassium. Its vitamin wealth includes vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2(riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B6, folate, vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) and vitamin K. It is a source of protein and adds a good amount of fiber to our diet. Along with this, it is also a provider of health-supportive vital fatty acids.

Health Benefits Of Brown Rice

Introduction of brown rice in the diet brings tremendous health benefits discussed as under;

Controls Diabetes

Brown rice is beneficial for diabetics and hyperglycemic individuals. It has a low glycemic index which is helpful in reducing insulin surges and assists in the stabilization of blood sugar levels in the body. A comparative studyconducted in this regard revealed that it is rich in phytic acid, fiber, and essential polyphenols. It is a complex carbohydrate which helps in the slower release of sugar as compared to white rice. The American diabetes association also recommends choosing nutrient-dense brown rice over white rice for diabetics in order to accomplish the requirement of essential vitamins, fiber, and minerals in their diet.

Antioxidant Activity

Brown rice is rich in powerful antioxidants which protect against damage caused by oxygen free radicals. It contains an important antioxidant enzyme called superoxide dismutase which protects the cells from oxidation damage during energy production. A comparative study involving white and brown rice suggested that brown rice exhibits superior radical scavenging activity and aids in the prevention of various oxidation-mediated diseases such as coronary heartdiseases.

Prevents Obesity

Brown rice is instrumental in weight control for people combating obesity. It contains manganese which helps synthesize body fats. A study conducted in this regard revealed that the consumption of whole grains such as brown rice has positive effects on the body with respect to reduction in body mass index and fat. It also enhances the activity of glutathione peroxidase, an antioxidant enzyme, which helps to elevate the levels of HDL cholesterol in the obese individuals. Another comparative research also advocated the anti-obesity effects of germinated brown rice.

Prevents Alzheimer’s

Germinated brown rice helps in the prevention of neurodegenerative complications such as Alzheimer’s disease attributing to the abundance of gama-aminobutyric acid. Sprouted brown rice contains helpful componentswhich help in the inhibition of a harmful enzyme called prolyl endopeptidase, which is associated with Alzheimer’s disease. It is also beneficial for other cerebral disorders such as dementia and amnesia.

Lowers Stress in Lactating Women

Sprouted brown rice is beneficial for the mental health of lactating mothers. An investigative study has shown positive results in the nursing women with respect to reduction in mood disturbances, stages of depression and fatigue. It has also suggested that consumption of brown rice during lactation enhances body’s ability to resist stress and improves the overall immune defense.

Improves Digestive Health

Brown rice is a helpful staple which can be added to the daily diet for keeping a healthy digestive system. Fiber present in it helps regulate the bowel function and keeps you feeling full. A comparative study investigating the effects of white rice and brown rice during gastric digestion made it qualitatively evident that the bran layer on brown rice prevents the absorption of acid and humidity, resulting in better texture retention. Fiber content also brings relief from other conditions such as constipation and colitis.

Boosts Heart Health

Brown rice is rich in selenium which is beneficial for a healthy heart. Consumption of whole grains such as brown rice helps to reduce the blockage of arteries due to plaque buildup. This protective action reduces the risk of cardiac disorders such as high hypertension and vascular diseases. Studies conducted in this regard suggested that the tissue surrounding the grain of brown rice contains a component which acts against the endocrine protein angiotensin II, which plays a major role in the development of high blood pressure and atherosclerosis.

Controls Cholesterol Levels

Brown rice is a great option for maintaining healthy levels of cholesterol due to the presence of naturally occurring oils. An investigative study revealed that it possesses hypocholesterolemic qualities, thus regulating cholesterol catabolism. It contains beneficial nutrients that help in lipid and glucose metabolism. Another study conducted revealed that consumption of brown rice has shown significant improvement in the serum and HDL cholesterol concentrations in the subjects with chronic ethanol abuse. It also suggested that germinated brown rice extract helps in preventing the rise of liver triglycerides due to excessive alcohol intake due to the presence of gamma-aminobutyric acid.

Prevents Cancer

Brown rice is helpful in the prevention of colon cancerbreast cancer, and leukemia. This beneficial effect can be attributed to the presence of potent antioxidants and high fiber content in it. The fiber content present in brown rice has the ability to bind itself to harmful cancer-causing toxins in the body. This prevents the toxins from attaching to the walls of the colon and helps eliminate them from the body. An investigative study evaluating the chemopreventive properties of brown rice validated that its bran contains essential phenols such as tricin, ferulic acid, and caffeic acid which is present at much lower levels in white rice. These phenolic components are valuable in inhibiting the proliferation of colon and breast cancer cells. Another study revealed the stimulatory effect of germinated brown rice on the induction of apoptosis and its inhibitory effects on the production of leukemia cancer cells. Furthermore, research has also validated the antitumor effects of dietary brown rice brans.brownrice

Boosts Nervous System Functioning

Brown rice is beneficial for the smooth functioning of the brain and nervous system. It helps in accelerating the metabolism in the brain owing to the presence of vitamin B and essential minerals such as manganese and magnesium. These essential minerals balance the activity of calcium in the body and help in the regulation of nerves and muscle tone. This rice also prevents the sudden surge of calcium into the nerve cells and activation of nerve, which aids in keeping the nerves and muscles relaxed and preventing excessive contraction. Vitamin E present in it also plays a vital role in preventing various brain diseases caused due to oxidative damage.

Anti-depressant Properties

Germinated brown rice contains anti-depressant qualities and helps in combating anxiety-related disorders. An investigative study suggested that germinated brown rice contains essential amino acids such as glutamine, glycerin, and GABA. These inhibitory neurotransmitters facilitate a reduction in the allowance of messages associated with anxiety, depression, and stress in the brain, resulting in a relaxed state of well-being.

Relieves Insomnia

Brown rice is helpful in the treatment of insomnia as it is a natural source of the sleep hormone melatonin. It enhances the quality of sleep by relaxing the nerves and increasing the sleep cycle.

Boosts Immunity

Brown rice is loaded with significant quantities of vitamins, minerals, and essential phenolic components which help boost the immune system of the body. It nourishes the body, accelerates healing, and enhances its ability to fight infections.

Improves Bone Health

Brown rice is helpful for the maintenance of healthy bones. It is rich in magnesium which, along with calcium, provides the bones their physical structure. Magnesium-rich brown rice prevents bone demineralization and is beneficial for medical conditions such as arthritis and osteoporosis.

Culinary Use

Rice is a staple food not just in Asia but across the world. Brown rice is available in many forms such as long grains, which are perfect for stir-fries, salads or pilafs, short grains which have a soft and sticky texture perfect for molds or puddings. Sweet brown rice can be served deliciously for desserts. Brown rice syrup is considered as a sweetener attributing to the presence of nutrients in the brown rice. It gives a sweet, nutty, and buttery flavor to baked goods and hot drinks.

How To Select And Store Brown Rice?

Brown rice contains essential natural oils which have the potential to go stale if stored for too long. It is advisable to check the expiry or ‘use by’ date to ensure freshness. Raw brown rice can be stored for up to six months in an airtight container at room temperature to keep the freshness intact. To extend its shelf life, it can be refrigerated. Cooked brown rice should be stored with caution. Incorrect storage of cooked rice triggers the growth of bacteria called Bacillus cereus which can cause food poisoning irrespective of reheating. It should neither be stored at room temperature and nor reheated more than once.

How to cook brown rice?

Brown rice takes a longer cooking time and requires more water because of its outer fiber coating. For one cup rice, you may use two and a half to three cups of water. Prior soaking of brown rice cuts down the cooking time. Soaked brown rice would take about 35-40 minutes to get ready.

Word of Caution: Brown rice is generally hypoallergenic and does not contain any significant amount of disturbing elements such as purines or oxalates.


Brown rice is a super whole grain which is packed with a high degree of healthy components. It extends its beneficialeffects to many organs including the heart, digestion, brain, bones, muscles, cholesterol, and blood pressure. Brown rice treats skin conditions like psoriasis, promotes healthy skin, and restores hair loss. It has anti-aging qualities attributing to the presence of ferulic acid, an antioxidant which helps in the prevention of skin-aging. Brown rice is rich in folate which is essential during pregnancy for healthy growth of the fetus. Small portions of brown rice are also recommended for patients suffering from candida infections attributing to its richness in digestive enzymes which is apt for a weakened digestive system. It tones up the body and mind and helps combat general weakness and deficits in the body.

Organic Brown Rice is available to purchase at SFMart.com

This article is originally posted on Organic Facts

7 Surprising Benefits Of Tea

The health benefits of tea include relief from cancer, early aging, gum disorders, fatigue, feverdepression, and dental issues. It is undoubtedly the most popular beverage in the world and the results of innumerable research studies on tea have left very little doubt about its great medicinal value.

It is believed that Chinese were the first to discover the medicinal values of tea and used it as a beverage. They considered it as a tonic that could stop aging, promote youth and vitality, and ensured a long life, which is why only the noble descendants were allowed to drink it and the beverage was kept secret for a long time. After it was introduced, it changed the world in a number of ways.

Tea is scientifically known as Camellia sinensis and is graded on the basis of its flavor and taste, which mainly comes from an alkaloid called tannin. It is also graded on the size of the leaves, cut, grains, and a few other factors that determine its price on the market. That’s enough commerce for now. Let’s get to the health benefits!

Health Benefits Of Tea

Let us explore which ailments this beverage can be beneficial for. The health benefits of tea include the following:

Prevents Cancer

Many studies have proved that tea is rich in polyphenols such as catechins and some variants of catechins that are present in its flavonoids and contribute to its rich aroma, have high antioxidant properties and are effective in preventing the growth of tumors and cancer, particularly of the liver, intestines, prostate, kidneys, breasts, and lungs. The alkaloids, like tannin and caffeine, which are present in it, also help in inhibiting the growth of cancerous cells.


Anti-aging & Antioxidant Properties

As believed in China long, long ago, and as proved in recent decades, antioxidants in tea can significantly slow down the aging process by preventing the free radicals (oxidants) from damaging the metabolic, circulatory, respiratory, and nervous systems through oxidation. These antioxidants effectively neutralize the free radicals. Green or White tea, when supplemented with lemon/lime juice is supposed to be more beneficial in this regard. It can also help delay the loss of vision, macular degeneration, loosening of muscles, and other conditions induced by aging.

Relieves Fatigue

Tea is a great antidepressant and energizer. Actually, the alkaloids, tannin, and caffeine present in it are very quick and efficient natural stimulants. Drinking it gives immediate relief for fatigue, stimulates the brain, and elevates mood. It also lessens the feeling of cold during cold seasons. It is very effective in driving away sleepiness. The best part of it is that its effects are almost immediate. An amino acid called L-Theanine, present in tea increases alertness of the brain.

Boosts Immune System

Alkaloids like tannin and caffeine, present in tea, are powerful disinfectants and have high antimicrobial, antiviral, and germicidal properties. This is due to the fact that all alkaloids (tannin, caffeine, nicotine, strychnine, etc.) are actually poisons, either mild or harsh, for living cells. If consumed in a concentrated form or in high doses, they can be fatal for humans. However, when consumed in very low dosages, they kill only the germs. That is why tea helps in relieving fever and preventing infections. The antioxidants in tea also strengthen the immune system. Oxalates and polyphenols like catechin and epigallocatechin gallate, present in it, are also found to be effective in checking the growth of the HIV virus.

Dental Care

Tannin in tea is an alkaloid and has strong astringent properties. If taken without sugar, it neutralizes excess acids in the mouth and also destroys germs. The astringent part of it fastens the gums firmly onto the teeth, preventing them from loosening and falling out. Tannin also prevents hair loss and strengthens hair roots if applied externally. Therefore, many people wash their hair with black tea.teainfo

Increases Metabolism

Tea stimulates the metabolism, which results in faster consumption (breaking down) of sugar and lowering of its level in the blood. This way, it releases energy and also helps diabetics manage their blood sugar levels.

Skin Care & Tones Muscles

The astringent properties of tea can tone up the skin and muscles to give you a younger look.

Other Benefits

Tea is a stress reliever and it also gives temporary relief from nervous disorders and induces a good, healthy feeling in the body.

Word of Caution: This ancient beverage is addictive and makes you habituated to this external stimulant. Therefore, in absence of it, you may feel weak and worn out as your own energy level drops down below normal and you will eventually want more. The alkaloids tannin and caffeine in tea can have harmful effects in the long run and can even damage the liver and lungs if excessively consumed. This harmful effect can be minimized by adding lemon/lime juice or milk in your tea. It also kills the appetite. If taken in excess or before sleep, it can cause severe sleeplessness and resultant headaches.

Organic Teas is available to purchase at SFMart.com

This article is originally posted on Organic Facts

7 Health Benefits of Lentils

Lately lentils have become a tasty staple in my diet. Low in calories and high in nutrition, lentils are the perfect legume to eat in the summer in salads, spreads, for crudité and crackers, and as an item on a vegetariandinner plate.

I always gravitate towards foods that are easy to cook, and lentils are a hassle-free compliment to any meal. Nutty and earthy in flavor, lentils have a high nutritional value that anyone can benefit from by incorporating this healthy legume into their diet.

Eat lentils and reap their health benefits including:

1. Lower Cholesterol

Lentils help to reduce blood cholesterol since it contains high levels of soluble fiber. Lowering your cholesterol levels reduces your risk of heart disease and stroke by keeping your arteries clean.

2. Heart Health

Several studies have shown that eating high fiber foods like lentils reduces your risk of heart disease. Lentils are also a great source of folate and magnesium, which are big contributors to heart health. Folate lowers your homocysteine levels, a serious risk factor for heart disease. Magnesium improves blood flow, oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. Low levels of magnesium have been directly associated with heart disease, so eating lentils will keep your heart happy!

3. Digestive Health

Insoluble dietary fiber found in lentils helps prevent constipation and other digestive disorders like irritable bowel syndrome and diverticulosis.

4. Stabilized Blood Sugar

Adding to the many benefits of fiber, soluble fiber traps carbohydrates, slowing down digestion and stabilizing blood sugar levels. This can be especially helpful for those with diabetes, insulin resistance or hypoglycemia.

5. Good Protein

Of all legumes and nuts, lentils contain the third-highest levels of protein. 26 percent of lentil’s calories are attributed to protein, which makes them a wonderful source of protein for vegetarians and vegans.

6. Increases Energy

Lentils increase steady, slow-burning energy due its fiber and complex carbohydrates. Lentils are also a good source of iron, which transports oxygen throughout your body and is key to energy production and metabolism.

7. Weight Loss

Although lentils include all these beneficial nutrients like fiber, protein, minerals and vitamins, they are still low in calories and contain virtually no fat. One cup of cooked lentils only contains about 230 calories, but still leaves you feeling full and satisfied.

Organic Lentils is available to purchase at SFMart.com

This article is originally posted on mbgfood

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